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How to Negotiate a Debt Settlement

If you need to avoid paying your bills, you may want to negotiate a debt negotiation agreement with your creditors or by working with a collection agency.

An uneven settlement might excuse overdue bills, but settlements also typically include a sum that you need to part with. A lump sum might need to be paid, for example.

In this post I will share tips on how you can reach agreements with your creditors.


Steps To Negotiating a Debt Settlement


Step 1: Validate The Debt is Really Yours

You don’t have to resolve the equilibrium in the event that the indebtedness isn’t your own, to begin with.

The law says that debt collectors have to inform people if they owe sufficient money to contact them in no more than 30 days.

Within 30 days after you did not request a Gregorio notification, your debt is essentially considered to be yours simply because you agreed.

So a debt will appear on your credit report, or a collection agency will start to initiate communications with you, never ignore the debt collector.

Rather than writing a validated debt letter and sending it to the debt collector, write a debt validation letter and send it to the creditor within 30 days. Within 30 days, you will receive a notice confirming that your debt has been paid with the correct amount and account number.

If a debt collector can’t show that a debt belongs to you, it’s required to remove this debt from your credit history and not contact you about payments.

The collection agency will validate your debt on account of yours. If the debt collector acknowledges the debt, you’ll have to devise an alternative plan to resolve the debt. You could attempt to reach an agreement with the creditor.


Step 2: Check the Statute of Limitations

Check out the statute of limitations for your debt before making an offer to settle.

Creditors have limitations of how much time they are permitted to sue you for unpaid debt. Some states have diverse statutes regarding time intervals for various kinds of debt.

Law typically imposes a new statute of limitations on debts in some states.

This is bad since this is exposing yourself to more legal proceedings unnecessarily. This can additionally lengthen the lifespan of the document on your credit report.

Although the statute of limitations is approaching, a collection business may be eager to negotiate and offer you favorable terms.

A judge can dismiss any legal action that a debt collector has filed against you if your statutes have expired.

Even if the law has expired and you cannot be sued, you still owe the money, and the account can stay on your credit report.

When settling your debts, be certain the terms of the settlement are the final page of your account balance if you get paid in full.


Step 3: Plan a Repayment Proposal

Collections agencies only make money when you pay them.

They’ve to get court permission to garnish wages and seize property before they can seize private property or money from your bank account.

Because you are reasonable, the agency will be willing to work with you on a fair settlement.

Coming up with a reasonable financial repayment plan is a terrific way to begin repaying your debts.

Be cautious in setting how much you’re willing to pay for each month. Take a look at your bills to ascertain that getting rid of this debt won’t cause further problems.

Set up a record of your income and expenses, including your existing debt balances. Save your remaining funds for sudden and unexpected expenses.

Calculating this sum will provide you with an approximation of the total you need to pay your creditors as a lump sum or pay off your debt after a period of time.

Don’t offer a price that is substantially higher than you’re likely to afford. In fact, your first offer should be within your budget.


Step 4: Time for Settlement Negotiations

You’re now aware that the debt belongs to you, and you understand how much you can spend in a settlement agreement.

Now that I’ve collected all the information, I need to contact the company or collection agency.


Make an Initial Offer

To start the negotiation process, compose a beginning offer. For example, if you owe $3,000 on a credit card sent to collections, make an offer to pay $1,000 to close the account.

Expect a debt collector to send a counteroffer letter. This is good news, because it means the debt is being resolved.


Continue Settlement Discussions

Another counteroffer enables you to continue the settlement negotiations.

Regarding the initial offer of $1,500, that’s half the amount you’ve already received.

From a collection perspective, receiving cash from you is a good thing.

It’s good if they’ve only paid vinyl siding dimes on your debt.


Get Your Agreement In Writing

Once you’ve agreed, you should record a summary of the plan in writing. Also, detail the debt collector’s commitments, including who is liable for what.

  • That the debt collector will stop collection efforts and will forgive the remaining debt once you’ve completed the payments.
  • That the debt collector will remove negative items from your credit report in response to getting your payment.

Get the arrangement in writing before you make the first payment. If you do not have the agreement in writing, the debt collector may cash your check but fail to fulfill its assurances.

If you follow up without written proof, the agency is expected to judge that you had complied with the payment arrangement.

If you’re in this condition afterward you might be worse than you were before registering for this payment. The statute of limitations will restart upon your debt. In addition, the negative things can hang around your credit score longer.

So insist on getting your settlement agreement in writing.


What to Consider When You Make a Settlement Offer

By talking on the telephone, you’ll be able to get the final debt settlement agreement in writing more easily.

Certified agent, when talking to an agent, should ask for an appointment with a person who has the authority to make agreements. You may have to speak with several people at the collection agency about the specifics of your claim. Stand your ground and do not let them bully you.

If the person you talk to on the phone wants to know why you can’t pay the full amount, explain your financial situation — but share only relevant information.

Don’t talk about your finances, unless your income or financial resources can be counted on to improve your offer.

Keep the conversation focused on what the debt collector can gain. Mention how close the debt is to the statute of limitations. Let the agent know how much you can pay as a lump sum.

Because you are older, your chance of getting a debt collector to forgo full payment is increased.

Keep in mind that you’re not dealing with the original creditor, so the collector should have some wiggle room to reconcile a final sum, even if he initially claims otherwise.


Calling In the Pros

If you’re having trouble, see a legal expert or a credit counselor for guidance.

Your local bar association should have the ability to share contact information for several specialists who deal with debt management.

Just remember to verify debt settlement agencies who demand upfront payments to terminate your debts for you.

Some of these creditors advertise more than what they are able to supply, while some don’t work with them.

Whether or not the creditor is ready to assist, you might be better off resolving the matter with assistance from an attorney or on your own.


Settling Current Credit Card Debt

If your debt comes from an existing credit card account, you may ask the card issuer to waive old late fees or reverse finance charges that resulted from interest rate increases. Try asking.

This reduction in your debt can help you stay on top of your account instead of entering into an expensive debt settlement agreement.

If your credit card company does not respond to a settlement offer, you can attempt to reach a settlement before your account is sent to collections.

Even if settlement negotiations are conducted over the phone, have the final agreement in writing.

Clear out your credit card debt before recommending payment.


What About Settling Medical Bills?

Medical bills also typically include an additional modifier: your health insurance service provider.

Because your insurer didn’t receive your claim at first, your medical bills may go unpaid.

A doctor’s office will need to resubmit insurance claims to the insurance company to get reimbursed for its portion of your medical fees.

If you believe that your insurance company is wrong to deny your claim, you can appeal the denial.

Contact your medical institution or your hospital’s charity department to discuss your eligibility for charity care. If you qualify, this type of reimbursement could erase past-due balances.


Bottom Line: You Have Power in Settlement Negotiations

Debt seems overwhelming. You feel powerless in the face of it.

I did not mean to imply that heavy debt totally erases your power. In fact, you still have quite a powerful card to play, your cash transaction.

Making a payment puts money into the pockets of your creditor, and the goal of debt collection is to make profit.

So then don’t operate your credit card until you know that it’ll pay off — prior to having made a record of this agreement between you and the creditor. Mark off that the debt will be cancelled and you’ll prevent having negative items change standing of your credit score report due to the payment, if you render the payment to the credit card company.

The amount of what you’re likely to need to pay is figured out and made a settlement offer for. Don’t hesitate to ask.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”Resources” _builder_version=”4.16″ locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.16″ custom_padding=”27px|0px|27px|0|false|false” global_colors_info=”{}”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.16″ custom_padding=”|||” global_colors_info=”{}” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.16″ header_font=”||||||||” header_2_font=”||||||||” header_3_font=”||||||||” header_4_font=”Montserrat|700||on|||||” header_4_text_color=”#a2aab2″ header_4_font_size=”15px” header_4_letter_spacing=”2px” header_4_line_height=”1.6em” max_width=”520px” max_width_tablet=”700px” max_width_phone=”700px” max_width_last_edited=”off|desktop” custom_margin=”|||” custom_margin_tablet=”|0px||” custom_margin_phone=”|0px||” custom_margin_last_edited=”off|desktop” header_2_font_size_tablet=”30px” header_2_font_size_last_edited=”off|desktop” locked=”off” global_colors_info=”{}”]

Additional REsources

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A Few Other Resources We’ve Created for Our Customers

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