DIY Credit Repair Software

  • Get access to all of the software training videos and proven tips about the credit repair process.
  • You’ll get access to all of the dispute letter templates that will give you a head start.
  • Repairs credit for up to 3 family members or loved ones.

DIY Credit Repair Software

This Credit Repair Software helps you do what a credit repair company does for a fraction of the price.
Order free credit reports, remove negative items with automated dispute letters, negotiate with creditors and keep organized.
It’s easy to use and guides you the whole way. Use the credit system in your favor and boost your score faster than any other method.

5 in stock

Original price was: $247.00.Current price is: $187.00.


Where do I begin once I purchase the software?

Once you purchase your copy of the DIY Credit Repair Software you will receive the software download link and a license key via email to get started.

After downloading the software and activating it by applying your license key you should then begin with the training videos and getting familiar with the software interface. Next start your credit repairing process.

Is it legal to repair my credit with software?

Yes, credit repair software is 100% legal and it works BECAUSE of the law. The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives you the right to dispute any item on your report. Whether you use a credit attorney or you do it yourself with software, all credit repair is based upon this law.

Does credit repair software really work if a bankruptcy, judgment, lates or other serious items are on my credit reports?

Yes, you can dispute Bankruptcies, Late Payments, Judgments and absolutely anything else that appears on your credit report. We try to beat the odds for good results firmly on your side by creating letters that place burden of proof on the credit bureaus that report the items. While we cannot guarantee that a bankruptcy or judgement can be erased from your report, we DO guarantee that most credit reports will be improved even after a bankruptcy, late payment or judgement. 79% of all credit reports contain errors, especially after a bankruptcy. Items that should have been wiped to zero in a bankruptcy will often continue to show a balance. Simply disputing and removing inaccuracies will often boost your score instantly. This credit repair software creates all the letters with a click of your mouse. It’s like having your very own credit attorney to fight for your rights.